“I can’t begin to describe how many positive changes I have had since our session. Absolutely amazing!! Highly recommended.” – Dina Mantula

Do you feel blocked? Held back? Inhibited?
Or like something is stopping you from moving forward personally or professionally?

Reach Your Next Level Of Success Without Letting Overwhelming Self-Doubt, Worry Or Fear Continue To Get In Your Way

In as little as 1 – 2 Sessions

*All claims above represent an ideal outcome.

100+ Positive Reviews

Watch This Video

 Be Who You Know You Are Capable Of Being
A Highly-Personalized, Transformational 1 to 1 Program for Purpose-Driven Professionals


Paul Norrish is a great professional! I cannot say enough good things to describe this journey, which I confess started with a bit of skepticism on my part, but made me a true believer by the very next day after my first session! I felt and still feel as I recovered my true self, leaving behind all the anxiety I lived with on a daily basis for many years, and in its place is a more confident person, who is genuinely happy.

*The testimonial above represents an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Today!

1. To book your Free Discovery Call, please click the button below and fill out my quick 3 minute survey.

2. On your Free 45 Minute Discovery Call we will be delving deeper into your current situation to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my program.

3. If you qualify for my program, I am going to outline how I can help you in the same way that I have helped hundreds of clients to move past their inner blocks and find peace of mind.


*The testimonial above represents an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

👉 Who I Am

👋🏻 I’m Paul Norrish.

I help purpose-driven professionals to reach new levels of success without letting unnecessary self-doubt, worry and fear continue to get in their way.

I have spent the last 15+ years and thousands of hours learning the principles that underlie deep, fast and effective change.

I have helped hundreds of clients to move past their limitations and to find peace of mind.

👉 Who You Are

You are a purpose-driven professional who experiences self-doubt and insecurity about stepping confidentially into your role.

You would like to feel more self-assured and at peace with taking the actions you need to take to be who you know you are capable of being without feeling like an impostor.

You may also be someone who has reached a certain level of success in your field and now you’re ready to move to the next level, but you find yourself confronted with strong emotions or internal resistance around exercising your full capabilities.

*The testimonial above represents an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

🙁 What You Most Likely Struggle With:

A sense of being blocked, held back or inhibited.
Feeling stuck mentally, emotionally, physically.
Overthinking, mind chatter, trouble focusing.
Difficulty remaining present and in the moment.
Avoiding certain situations, fear of failure or rejection.
Hesitation, self-doubt, picturing worst case scenarios.

Irrational fear, unwarranted concerns, a spiral of negative thoughts.
Inner turmoil, tension, useless stress, the inability to relax.
 Nerves, unnecessary worry, dreading upcoming events.
Feeling weak, overwhelmed, powerless.
A state of unease, freezing, an inability to move forward.
Preoccupation with the past, uncertainty, a lack of self-belief.

💭 What You Have Probably Tried Already:

Meditation, Mindfulness, Deep Breathing

Exercise, Yoga, Changing Your Diet/Nutrition

Exposure/Desensitization, Analyzing What’s Blocking You, Talking Through Your Concerns

Positive Thinking, Affirmations, Self-Help Books

Distracting Yourself, Watching YouTube Videos, Attempting to Change Your Mindset/Behaviour.

Reframing Your Worries, Trying to Accept Your Fear, Waiting For What You Are Feeling to Pass

Coaching Programs, Willpower, Pushing Yourself to Change

*The testimonial above represents an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.


⚡ Experience a Breakthrough!

This is a highly-personalized, solution-focused 1 to 1 program for purpose-driven professionals who:

→ have worked on changing their mindset, but still FEEL the same.
→ continue to sabotage themselves no matter what new tool, technique or method they try.
→ have reached a certain level of success, but can’t seem to reach the next level.
→ are unable to think and act in a way that is alignment with what they truly want and desire.

🎯 My Aim Is To Help You:

➔ Feel more centred and balanced both personally and professionally.
➔ Wake up feeling calmer with a clear sense that everything is going to be okay.
➔ Remain more focused, happy and engaged throughout the day.
➔ Quiet your inner critic and stop overthinking all of the time.
➔ Trust yourself to make decisions with more certainty.
➔ Feel more in alignment with your desires, your choices and the actions you take.
➔ Bring your emotions back into balance so you can stop the spiral of negative thoughts you keep going into.


*All claims above represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

When You Make Changes From The Inside Out Versus The Outside In, It Becomes Easier To…

➥ take your professional life to the next level and make more money.
➥ improve your relationships.
➥ increase your overall wellbeing.

*The testimonial above represents an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Today!

1. To book your Free Discovery Call, please click the button below and fill out my quick 3 minute survey.

2. On your Free 45 Minute Discovery Call we will be delving deeper into your current situation to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my program.

3. If you qualify for my program, I am going to outline how I can help you in the same way that I have helped hundreds of clients to move past their inner blocks and find peace of mind.


🦸‍♀️ A Highly-Personalized, Transformational 1 to 1 Program for Purpose-Driven Professionals

My 1 to 1 Breakthrough Program has been designed to help you:

> Let go of the areas of your past that still impacting you today in the present.
> Shift your thought patterns from negative thinking to a more positive frame of mind.
> Gain more control over your automatic responses/reactions/triggers.
> Release the uncomfortable emotions that keep getting in your way.
> Reconnect to the self-belief you were born with.
> Experience more energy, flow and ease day to day.
> Clear away the inner conflicts that are preventing you from aligning what you think with what you feel.


*All claims above represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

🚫 This Program Is Not About…

Giving you more coping strategies, self-management techniques or advice you are expected to follow.

It also doesn’t require the use of willpower, homework or listening to a recording.

This program has been designed to help you resolve what is currently blocking you at the deepest level of your mind.

It is about helping you to experience changes in how you think, feel and act in a short period time.

The best part is that the changes you experience will take place quickly, naturally and automatically.


*All claims above represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

📃 What’s Included?

This program includes 1 – 2 Breakthrough Sessions which take place inside an 8 week container.

✅ This Program Is For You If:

✔ You know you want more out of your career and your life because you know how much potential you have, but you keep getting in your own way.

✔ You feel like you’ve tried everything, but you still can’t make sense of the way you feel (you just want the way you feel to go away).

✔ You’re at the point where you need to make a change and you’re looking for a solution.

❌ This Program Is Not For You If:

you are dealing with a minor challenge in your life that will most likely pass with a little effort or enough time.

the problem you are dealing with has to do with someone else needing to change or act differently, not you.

what you are feeling is an appropriate response (e.g. you feel a reasonable amount of stress because you are currently going through a divorce).


🙌 Feedback From Past Clients:

📺 Some YouTube Testimonials From Past Clients:
(Click to play videos)

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“And it was just so weird that it was in one session and I just felt so different after that.”
“I had a big breakthrough, an ‘aha’ moment.”
“My approach to different situations has been in a much more peaceful place.”
“This has been like a supercharger…and more transformational.”
“By the time we finished I couldn’t remember what I actually came in for.”
“To be honest, it’s hard for me to even think about [the problem]. It’s like it’s not there.”
“I feel like a different person in the last couple of months.”
🗺 Some Google Business Reviews From Past Clients:
(Click to enlarge images)

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

✉ Some Emails From Past Clients During/After Our Work Together:
(Click to enlarge images)

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“I have had a massive breakthrough in my industry…”
By the way - I have had a massive breakthrough in my industry for which I was recently given a major Award and I will write you with the details in the next few days. I am sure that at the back of this is the work that you did with me and I am delighted with the outcome.
“I can’t believe it! Is this normal?”
“I’m putting myself out there and feeling pretty calm about it all.”
“Honestly, thank you is not nearly a big enough notion for how much better I feel.”
“Since working with you a couple of years ago my life has completely changed…”
“…not sure how it works but it worked !!!!”
“I really don’t care what others think WOW.”
“Thank you for assisting me in changing my life and quitting smoking!”
Hi Paul- I just wanted to send some appreciation your way! Thank you for assisting me in changing my life and quitting smoking! In November of 2021, I officially stopped smoking and contribute that to your help.
“I’m feeling much more at ease not only at work but in everyday social setting as well.”
“I was very calm before and still can’t believe I actually did the injection myself…”
“I’m still in disbelief how much you changed me in an hour.”
📲 Some DMs From Past Clients During/After Our Work Together:
(Click to enlarge images)

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“Everything that once hindered my happiness now feels like a distant memory.”
“I’m in a much better place than before our session.”
“…I can look at it differently now.”
“Feeling great! No juju since Thursday last week and no desire!”
“Feeling Fantastic By the Way!!”
“…it certainly gave me renewed energy and hope.”
“Thank a zillion times, Paul!”
Update on the > After 3 bike rides, one on my regular route to the office, and two in a national park where we are vacationing, I can report I had NO flash images, and only one thought of > kind of thing. The rest, only enjoying the ride. Fearless Thank a zillion times, Paul!
“I feel like I’ve done a 180.”
“The abandonment issue seems completely gone. Wow.”
“…I decided to really be myself and pursue what I love…”
“…I’ve hardly been over thinking situations before going into them!”
“It created peace for me.”
“I’m feeling like a more confident/stronger man overall.”
“Feeling great!”
“I can’t thank you enough! That was huge.”
“Working with you has been a game-changer.”
Hi Paul, Just a quick update and big thank you! Working with you has been a game-changer. Your expertise is truly impressive, and I am grateful for the positive changes our sessions together have brought to my life. Hypnotherapy helped me access my deeper subconscious and remove blocks that were limiting my ability to live life fully. I felt anxious about the future and depressed about the past, ruminating over people and situations that really didn’t matter. Now I feel so free and inspired by what’s possible for me in my work, relationships and in the lifestyle I want for myself. I am much more decisive and no longer feeling anxious. In fact, I am at ease with not having all the answers. 🙂 Thank you, Paul, for your dedication to bettering people's lives. 🙌🏼
“I was blown away. Still am.”
“I am at peace, the juxtaposition has been resolved.”
“Definitely a big difference in attitude and my productivity…”
“I’ve booked and paid for my flight to Australia. Thank you Paul.”
“Having the desire disappear and not have to use constant willpower to over come the habit has been a huge blessing in life!”
“This is the most profound thing I’ve experienced after sobriety.”
👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Today!


🔎 Answers To Commonly Asked Questions

What is your approach? Is this coaching?

This is a completely unique and gentle approach to changework that will help you to overcome what is currently blocking you in as little as 1 – 2 sessions.


It is an amalgamation of 50+ different methods and techniques (and growing) as well as 15+ years and thousands of hours learning the principles that underlie deep, fast and effective change artistically woven together into a completely personalized 1 to 1 program.


Unlike coaching, this is about helping you to change the way you feel so the way you think and the way you act shifts naturally and automatically.


Unlike other forms of changework that only provide you with insight into why you feel the way you do, this is about helping you to experience real, lasting, tangible results in your life as quickly as possible.

What's included in your program?

This program aims to help you to break through your inner blocks in as short a period of time as possible.

My clients typically start to notice shifts in their life directly after their first session, although the changes you experience will most likely continue to unfold in the days, weeks and months following our work together.

Does your program require me to do any homework?

No, there is nothing you need to do apart from noticing how much more choice, clarity and flexibility you experience in your life as a result of the work we have done together.

What is the price of the program?

The purpose of your Free Discovery Call is to delve deeper into your current situation so that I can determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my program.


If you are a good fit for my program, I will explain my process and how I can help you based on what you have shared with me.


If what II have to share resonates with you, I will go over what the (low 4-figure) investment to work with me is and you can decide whether or not you would like to move forward.


Keep in mind that this is a heart-to-heart, non-salesy, pressure-free call.


I use these calls as an opportunity for us to get to know each other better and to answer all of your questions.

Are you a self-help guru?

No, I am not a self-help guru, nor do I aspire to be one.


My focus is on helping you to connect to the inner resources that you already have inside of you in a way that works for you.


I do not provide advice or tell you how to live a better life – my aim is to help you to change the way you feel so you can come to your own conclusions from a place of clarity.

How does this work, if it's online?

I work successfully with clients from all around the world online.


In fact, one of the benefits of this approach is that you can work with me from the comfort of your own home.


All that is required is a strong internet connection and a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam.


Headphones are recommended, although not required.


You will also need to download Zoom if you don’t have it already (all meetings will take place using this application).

*All claims above represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

👍 More Feedback From Past Clients:

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“I now have the trust in myself that has been lacking.”

“I decided to work with Paul because I was feeling anxious and worried all the time. This stemmed from feeling abandoned and catastrophizing about any medical issue.

For as long as I could remember, I had struggled with feelings of abandonment. This issue complicated relationships and I didn’t like how I felt struggling with this. I also struggled with medical catastrophizing. This has plagued me for as long as I can remember. Life was stressful with this issue and I was in a pretty constant state of panic.

To work on this I tried conventional therapy like CBT, with a therapist. I also used relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation. I think it didn’t work because it was all talk, and provided no real shift in how I felt. Yoga and relaxation is great in the moment, but not long lasting.

I was very positive about working with Paul as he had been highly recommended by a trusted friend. I trusted Paul and the process. Before speaking with my friend about working with Paul, I didn’t know much about his program and hadn’t investigated the process. Once I investigated, I was anxious to begin. I am glad I did.

My entire experience working with Paul was very positive. His calm, focused approach instilled confidence in his work and helped me retain focus. His style is centered, direct and compassionate. Paul is also attentive to communication through WhatsApp and responds very quickly. I always felt supported. I never doubted that working with Paul and his unique approach would help me, and it did!

I look forward to feeling calm and trusting myself in situations that used to cause me stress. My issues with feelings of abandonment held me back in so many relationships. I am grateful to be free of those feelings. Medical catastrophizing, caused me endless stress and anxiety. I feel much calmer now and confidently trust my ability to handle stressful situations as they arise.

My advice to anyone considering working with Paul would be that life is too short to put off fixing issues that hold them back from enjoying their lives. After trying other therapies, this is the only one that helped me. While Paul’s approach can be seen as a non-conventional method, it is worth a try. I trusted Paul completely with this process and I’m very glad that I did.

The most important thing about the results I have seen in my life after working together is an overwhelming feeling of calm in the face of potential crisis, and a complete lack of feeling abandoned. I now have the trust in myself that has been lacking.

I highly recommend this program to anyone who has struggled with other approaches that haven’t worked, or to anyone starting their healing journey. I have complete confidence in Paul and his program, and know that he can help individuals who have struggled for too long with issues that seemed unresolvable.”


– DD, Retired

“The process was so calming.”

“Before contacting Paul, I was a mess. I had very bad anxiety that prevented me from having a normal life routine. I didn’t want to work and I felt tired all the time. The anxiety got worse during Covid. I tried to exercise and that didn’t work, but then I heard from one of my friends about Paul so I decided to work with him. The changes I experienced were unexpected, but in a good way. The process was so calming. Now, I am taking care of myself and I don’t let the things that do not matter upset me. It is amazing. I am more relaxed and I find it easier to deal with everything now.”


– TL

“…this has had the greatest before and after transformation for me.”

“The feeling is hard to describe but it’s definitely beyond a subtle shift. It’s a visceral shift from a loud critical hurtful voice to a gentler, kinder voice that comes from my own self-compassion and hearing of myself as opposed to a thought or something being imposed on me. I also feel like the puppet strings my family had attached to me have been cut. Now when they are rude, I see it, acknowledge how it feels and pass through it. Its doesn’t feel as much like a slap in my face because I can see how they are treating me as not a function of me but a function of them.

It’s quite incredible, [this] has been more effective than anything else I’ve done and I’ve done a lot of things! Of course everything has its role in growth but this has had the greatest before and after transformation for me.

It’s been a more penetrating experience that didn’t require any intellectualization so it made it more accurate and effective in actually changing how you relate to fundamental ideas that you picked up as a kid…”


– Client

“I am more relaxed, confident and open to new challenges.”

“My experience with Paul was very positive. His impressive knowledge and ability to use various techniques allowed him to effectively help me with my anxiety. I am more relaxed, confident and open to new challenges. I’ve tried CBT, meditation and guided meditation hypnosis but none on these helped. Paul is truly unique and he has an extraordinary talent in making positive changes in peoples lives. I’ve recommended him to one of my clients and she was so impressed she had her husband connect with Paul as well. I highly recommend him. I’m so grateful I have found him.”


– Kathy K

“…I have been able to forget the past and move on with my life.”

“I was battling addiction due to childhood trauma which caused me pain that I would cover with drinking. I had childhood memories of feeling like my parent didn’t listen to a trauma I had. They ignored it which caused me to turn to drinking to hide my feelings. I didn’t attempt to fix it in the past, I just kept burying my feelings which didn’t work. I just drank to numb the pain. My wife did research into Paul and asked me to give it a try as I just seemed to be getting worse. I was hesitant at first, but Paul made me feel relaxed. I am a shy person, but Paul was able to help me through the sessions and feel comfortable about sharing my issues. As a result, I have been able to forget the past and move on with my life. If you are considering working with Paul, do it. You will not regret it. I feel so much happier now.”


– JC, Retired

“…a lovely improvement.”

“I worked with Paul to deal with a difficult moment in my life which was the result of an accumulation of lifetime conditioning and some trauma. Anxiety and depression were issues that paralyzed me and I knew I needed help coming through to the other side. Paul was very confident and gifted in his unique approach and my sessions with him were quite revealing and even enjoyable. I believe to have had a good result with the techniques he uses and have seen a lovely improvement. I would recommend Paul to those seeking an unconventional form of help that might aid in making significant breakthroughs.”


– Amy

“I believe I can work now!!!”

“Things have improved in a very unexpected way. I didn’t consciously notice a difference until Thursday afternoon while speaking to my sister. I caught myself saying that I believe I can go to work and now I’m trying to decide what path to take. which is actually quite mind blowing for me. 

It is a first time in the past 3 years that thought of work doesn’t cause a horrible feeling. I believe I can work now!!! 

So thank you…

Also, my self-image has improved, I don’t have a lot of negative self talk at all and I feel more worthy and appreciated. I am more focused on internal approval…

Thank you for your help. You truly helped me change a lot inside.”


– M

“It’s as if I trusting myself more and efforting less.”

“I’m very grateful for the session. I have experienced many changes. I am experiencing much less anxiety and distress especially around my teaching. My wife even noticed a different way I was presenting one night. It’s as if I trusting myself more and efforting less. 

Overall, I am managing my life, my schedule with more ease and less stress. And even when I haven’t prepared myself as much as I might think I need, I am more trusting of my skills as a teacher and I let go more easily. In fact I have very few distressing thoughts compared to how much I did before. 

The biggest change in my overall feeling is on a physical level. The discomfort I often feel in my gut is completely gone. I would say, my anxiety has shifted from a 10 to a 1 or 2…”


– Andrew

“I experienced such a shift in perspective after working with you.”

“Hi Paul,

I experienced such a shift in perspective after working with you. It is exactly as you described it…I have found my voice. And, I will say whatever I need to say. Whatever it is, it will be on my terms.

I distinctly remember while working with you that I was able to identify the fear/disapproval that I felt from my father, and that this was the very feeling that kept me behaving in the way my father wanted. I always understood that this was a relic from my childhood, but I was never able to manage it. Now, I feel like it is something I can just observe, without it hijacking my behaviour like it used to…

I am in a much better mood every day, as I feel more in control. I haven’t felt that dread/fear much, like I usually do. And if I do, it goes away very quickly.

Thank you.”


– N

“I’ve experienced a total 180 degree turn.”

“My rate of “change”, in how I felt, seemed subtle at first but really increased by week 3. My anxiety disappeared at this point and major clarity kicked in! I feel so much more in control of my life, hopeful and motivated now.

Working with Paul has been a huge success. I can’t even believe I was once so anxious, depressed, and feeling so much confusion.

I’ve experienced a total 180 degree turn.

I love the speed at which the process works and how it really got to the core of my issue and dealt with it right in the first session…

My friends are amazed at my transformation.”


– Patricia

“Even people I know have started to notice changes in me…”

“I used to go in circles with the same thoughts, wanting to move on with my life after my divorce for 2 years, having fears, hesitant to take action, thinking that I wasn’t good enough for anything or anyone. I felt I wasn’t going to be able to move on with my life, personally and professionally. 

I was always feeling anxious and stressed out about everything and I would ask for everyone’s opinion to take the best decision.

I tried different kinds of relaxing music, therapy with a psychologist, just talking about my problem and it helped at the moment but then I went in circles again, the fact that I wasn’t consistent meant that my thoughts absorbed my time. 

I was a little hesitant about working with you but also curious to try. At first I was a little nervous because I didn’t know what to expect but as the process began and you explained in detail how it worked and what to expect, I felt more comfortable trying it. 

I was surprised how deep my subconscious mind could remember but it was true and the connection with my present situation was completely related to my past events. After just one week I started experiencing a change in the way I used to see my situation. I could focus more, my thoughts were more active, I spend less time thinking and more time putting in action those thoughts. 

After 2 and 3 weeks, I have a clearer mind and understanding about how to enjoy life and how to handle my anxiety and stress. I don’t feel those fears that used to paralyze me. I feel that I am enough, my self esteem shifted 360 degrees, I am looking forward to continuing my path that I left behind about my career and personally I want my kids to see in me that strong and confident mom as an example for them to follow. 

I learned that you are always good enough, that you have to put yourself first, taking the right decisions for yourself, that everything comes from you inside but you have to FIND THE ROOT CAUSE or you will fail again and again. I overcame my fears to try new things, I learned to control my anxiety and stress, I spend more time smiling and less worrying about the future and I enjoy more of my time with my kids and family. I found a new partner to share this new journey to walk together and not to take him as a crutch, something that happened in my previous relationships before working with you. Even people I know have started to notice changes in me, the way I express, more confident and strong.”


– Sandra

“Today I am able to stand up for myself and recognize the beautiful person that I am.”

“Before working with Paul I was having a lot of anxiety, a panic crisis and issues with self-love and self-confidence. To be honest, I was at a stage where I needed someone to help me handle myself. My mind was constantly wavering. I feel that my mental health was pretty bad.

I felt lonely, hopeless, tired and I wanted to find peace without knowing how. To have this problem was like being stuck in a big black hole where it’s impossible to see any light. This problem started a year ago.

I tried some therapy, personal development, meditation, prayers lol! Even psychic readers.

To be honest hypnosis was my last and only hope to feel better.

Working with Paul was peaceful and very enjoyable. It was easy for me to trust him and the communication between him and me was easy. I felt that he understood my needs perfectly and was able to read me extremely fast. It felt very good to work with him and each moment was simple and soothing.

Now, I am looking forward to a stronger sense of self-confidence/self-love and living my life more peacefully and with more gratitude.

If you are considering working with Paul I would say give it a go. Sometimes the key to our happiness resides within one experience. You can trust Paul and your life will certainly be better after working with him. You just need to take full responsibility for your life and not stay stuck in the victim mentality mindset (it’s always the easiest way). Asking for help is proof of bravery.

Moving forward I am now able to change my negative thoughts into positive ones quite quickly. I have more confidence in myself and in the future, I sleep better and my self-esteem has drastically changed. Today I am able to stand up for myself and recognize the beautiful person that I am.

Thank you very much Paul for everything that you did for me. I am grateful for that.”


– Past Client

“I have broken some daily patterns that have been a part of my life for over a decade.”

“At first I was nervous about working with Paul, but his manner was quite genuine and relaxed, which helped me relax. It was clear to me that he is well trained in hypnosis and understands very well how it can help and what it can’t do.

Since working with Paul I have more time to do things that I really enjoy – not needing alcohol or other distractions to get through a day.

I have broken some daily patterns that have been a part of my life for over a decade.

The confidence that has given me is incredible.

It’s incredible to be rid of the daily low level, and sometimes high level, anxiety I was living with for so long. I am enjoying my family and other important relationships so much more now.”


– JW

“I am more optimistic, confident, cheerful and positive.”

“I was sexually abused as a child which left its mark and programmed my subconscious to view the world through the experience of that powerless and afraid little boy. I am educated, reasonable and logical and yet this “glitch” has kept me from being and doing. I struggled with fear and anxiety and esteem. I would panic when I would have to do simple tasks, like responding to an email. There were times when it was debilitating.

I have been to numerous therapy sessions with many types of therapists employing many types of therapies. None worked. Hypnosis helped me quit smoking cigarettes. In fact, it was one of Paul McKenna’s YouTube videos that did the trick. I hypothesized that if hypnosis could reprogram the subconscious to stop smoking, maybe it could be reprogrammed to be ‘normal’ or at least reflect the reality that I am an educated grown man.

When I started to work with Paul, what happened didn’t match up with what I imagined should happen, but that doesn’t matter because it worked. There’s no denying that after the first session there was ‘a change’ in me. By the conclusion of the 3rd session, I was at peace, a feeling I have felt before in those fleeting moments when everything was in harmony and I was ‘on.’

I asked Paul before the sessions began to help me be authentic, genuine, reliable, trustworthy, kind, brave, and daring and to have the courage to face risks and to not fear bad outcomes or let fear paralyze me. Mission accomplished. Thank you. Answers… come swiftly and I am connecting ideas with knowledge and reason and making decisions and forming thoughts and opinions and they’re all cohesive and logical and I am confident and able to express all that. I am more caring and sympathetic and helpful and less self-centred and more other-centred. I am more optimistic, confident, cheerful and positive. I am a better dad and husband and son and sibling and friend and neighbour and I have a better relationship with myself.

Now I am getting on with it. I am pushing myself and exploring what I am capable of doing and being.

If you have doubts about working with Paul, I could say, ‘imagine your best self… you can be that” or “what do you have to lose?” or “check out his 5 star ratings,” but the proof is in the pudding. I am the walking poster child for someone who once was lost, but now is found, was blind, but now I see. Paul’s work transformed me and I am so extremely grateful.”


-Past Client

“I am looking forward to experiencing the ups and downs that life will bring from the calm, collected place I always dreamt of.”

“Before working with Paul, I was quite anxious most of the time for no real “reason”. It was just a feeling I had that I carried with me, that made most tasks feel much harder and emotionally taxing. I had anxiety since childhood and it started to really act up when I transitioned into a sales position that was triggering a lot of anxious reactions. I was not sleeping, waking up feeling anxious and weepy, feeling anxious all day and particularly leading up to and during sales calls, and just really not able to perform how I knew I could. I knew I had the skills to do the job well, but my anxious feelings were really getting in the way not only of my performance but my enjoyment of work. It was also affecting my relationships as I was so caught up in my head, as well as my overall health from being anxious and not sleeping.

I was reaching a breaking point where I thought I might need to quit my job and take on something more “laid back” and that maybe this “ambitious” life just wasn’t for me. This made me feel quite depressed as I knew I wanted more, but felt as though my anxiety was holding me back. I was crying daily and finding it harder and harder to get out of bed, so I knew something had to change. I had worked through a lot of what I thought I could consciously, but felt that my unconscious was holding me back – so I sought out hypnotherapy and am grateful it led me to find Paul!

Prior to working with Paul, I felt helpless and defeated at times. I was doing a lot of work to overcome my anxiety on the conscious level, but still found myself experiencing so much anxiety. It felt really debilitating as well because it would cause me to not be able to do the things I want to do – it was really holding me back.

My journey with anxiety has been a long one… I have had anxiety since I was very young. It got particularly bad around age 12. I would have panic attacks that prevented me from going to school or attending sporting events. While I got it under control using medications, they were not a long-term fix. I changed my lifestyle from fitness and nutrition to mental exercises and daily habits, and this had the most profound effects. I also found some relief through energetic healing, such as the emotion code. I was able to wean off my medications, and live my daily life without too much anxiety. However, I more recently wanted to take a sales career which brought the anxiety back, really bad. It started having a huge impact on my life and I knew that I needed to either work on my anxiety or quite my job.

I had used antipsychotics which kind of worked, but just made me feel numb all the time. Also, I knew I couldn’t get pregnant while on them so I weaned off of those a few years ago. I also have used emotion code healing to release trapped emotions, to which I did find some relief until the change in career. I find a lot of benefits from working out and eating properly and maintaining a self-care schedule as well. I also used meditation, visualizations, etc that I found helpful, until the anxiety was at a point where they were no longer as effective.

I had tried therapy before, but this didn’t help me much as there was no real “reason” that I was anxious that we could work through – it was more of an overall feeling in my body. I was really intrigued by hypnosis as I had a feeling that my unconscious was really where I was getting held back. I had done a lot of personal development on the conscious level, and wanted to be able to go deeper. I thought it might be a little scary to be “out of control” as we sometimes imagine hypnosis will be, but I was willing to try pretty much anything to stop feeling the way I was feeling. I was overthinking so much that I was also pretty excited about the idea of being in a trance, even if just for a moment.

I had a really amazing first session that left me feeling fantastic and free from quite a lot of the anxiety right off the bat, which I was really excited about. I also got some meaningful symbolism from my unconscious, which I still carry with me. The second session really cleared most of my anxiety during the sales calls themselves which has been amazing. The final session helped to get rid of some lingering anxiety. During the sessions themselves, I often felt as though I wasn’t doing it properly or something like that, but I was surprised at how easy it was for him to have me feeling relaxed and stop overthinking. Although the exercises within the sessions felt silly at times, the proof is in the results because it really helped! The whole experience was very professional and Paul is a very nice guy!

When I think about my life now, I am looking forward to being able to pursue my dreams without such a debilitating level of anxiety holding me down. I also look forward to feeling more of these positive emotions that I have been feeling lately. While Paul helped me to rid a lot of my anxiety, I have also been feeling many more positive emotions which I know is something we worked on! I am looking forward to experiencing the ups and downs that life will bring from the calm, collected place I always dreamt of.

If you are considering working with Paul, JUST DO IT! Haha no but seriously… it is always scary when you are making a change, even a change for the better. Don’t let that fear stop you from living the life you deserve, now. It IS possible, even if you might not think it is (I know I was skeptical). Paul had me go from feeling like getting out of bed was the hardest thing ever to feeling ready to tackle whatever life throws at me in less than 3 weeks. That feeling is priceless.”


– N

“I’m still kind of shocked how quickly this all worked.”

“Before working with Paul, I was extremely anxious, procrastinating on the simplest of tasks. I couldn’t start studying for a new career. It felt like a dark cloud I couldn’t get away from. I felt constriction and fear. I think I had this feeling at a low level for most of my life since age 16, but the problem worsened since April of this year when I moved in with a family member.

Previously, I saw a psychiatrist, and a therapist, I did yoga and meditation….I also watched countless YouTube videos. These things didn’t work effectively beyond my conscious mind.

I was always interested in hypnosis. One friend quit decades of smoking through a short hypnosis session, but I still didn’t know much about it although I was open to it.

I think I went pretty deep pretty quickly. I found that things worked out well more quickly than I expected. It was a new experience so I didn’t know what to expect, but I did feel safe during the treatment. During meditation and dreams I have had many interesting experiences and I found this experience somewhat similar, but it was like a voyage through my body. I can’t consciously describe the experience well but it felt like my insides were cleared up from some debris and some membrane around my abdomen had patched up so there was more space inside.

Now I feel hopeful that I will gain job skills and move. I am enjoying studying and have clear goals. I look forward to living on my own and surrounding myself with loving and authentic people. I’m meeting new people and with existing relationships, ending them or setting new boundaries.

I’m still kind of shocked how quickly this all worked. And the process wasn’t like traditional therapy where I dredged up all the shitty things that happened, etc. It was cleaning out the body, talking about colours, feelings, sensations….I don’t think all the effects have unfolded yet. But there is an unwinding process going on.

I think the most important thing for me was how quickly things improved. I don’t know how Paul did it, but it worked. I can see tangible results. For example, a family member of mine is still creating drama but I don’t feel the darkness will pull me in because it is not mine. It was never mine.”


– SK

“Now I’m embracing whatever comes my way…”

“Before I started working with Paul, I had very little hope that I would be able to overcome my fear of needles and deal with medical treatments that were coming my way. I was consumed with anxiety about it. I didn’t know how to fix it other than trying to repeatedly tell myself to not be afraid. 

I didn’t fully understand how our bodies and mind react to fear and anxiety. I know people who also benefited from hypnosis, but I was still skeptical to try it. My thoughts about it were mostly what you see/hear in popular culture about mind control or people using hypnosis for stunts or comedy acts. 

Working with Paul was a very positive experience. From our first conversation I felt very at ease and trusted him and the process. 

I truly felt a shift after the first session and after the second session I overcame a huge aspect of my fear that I never thought would be possible. I was in shock! I find it hard to pinpoint exactly what changed mentally/emotional, but the results speak for themselves! 

Now I’m embracing whatever comes my way and have the confidence that I will be able to handle it. 

Don’t waste another day held back by something that can be changed. Trust the process and trust that your mind has the power to make a change. You just need to allow Paul to guide you through it. You’ll never look back! I highly recommend hypnotherapy with Paul for anyone who is struggling to overcome a fear or anxiety that is causing them distress. It’s a wonderful, enlightening process and truly works!”


– Stephanie

“…I am now happy and confident.”

“I decided to work with Paul based on a recommendation. I was dealing with anxious thoughts and worries. I had been experiencing re-occurring anxious thoughts from past, present and future memories and thoughts. My first panic attack was 20 years ago. 

In the past I tried meditation, relaxation, naturopaths, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, exercise, research, self-help books and podcasts to try and get over my anxiety. I don’t think those things worked because I always pushed away those anxious feelings. I never dealt with them. 

I would recommend Paul to anyone dealing with past, present or future issues causing unwanted anxiety. My first panic attack happened over 20 years ago and I have no lingering anxiety about it anymore, the memory of it has faded away and no longer haunts me. He is kind, patient and listens to you as you describe some of your worst fears and memories and easily converts those memories of what seemed so terrible into something non existent and no longer causing you anxiety. 

I’ve tried many different methods to relieve my anxious mind and Paul’s method by far has helped me the most. I am grateful to have connected with him. 

Since working with Paul I am now enjoying experiences that once made me anxious………for no reason. The anxious thoughts had no reason to haunt me all these years. My powerful mind thought it was doing me a favour, keeping me safe but in reality there was nothing to fear and Paul taught me to push through and change those memories for the better. 

For anyone with reservations about working with Paul, I would say that life is too short to not feel good every single day. As a result of our work together, I am now happy and confident. Don’t waste your precious time being anxious over what seems like a big deal when it’s not, you just need someone to show you how non important your anxious thoughts are.”


– Michelle

“…I am now looking forward to pursuing my dreams and being supported by my thoughts.”

“Before working with Paul I would get triggered very quickly and have a strong emotional reaction that I would later regret. I struggled with my relationships with my kids, husband and mother.

I felt like I always saw what was wrong and I had to fix it. So with this negative frame of mind I would shame my family members when something didn’t meet my expectations. I felt like I couldn’t control my reactions or my expectations. I felt guilty when this happened and I also felt very resentful, especially towards my mother. It feels like I had this problem for at least as long as I have had my kids, so 18 years.

Before working with Paul, I went to anger management classes, completed several Landmark Education courses, saw many therapists, started doing yoga, meditation…All these things I did helped for a time and I feel I have grown personally but I eventually reverted back to being triggered and seeing what was wrong. Why didn’t they work long term? I suppose my way of reacting and seeing the world was too of strong of a pattern for me to change permanently.

I had not tried hypnosis before so I was curious and willing to give it a try.

Paul conducted himself professionally and was able to address the issues that were at the root of my unhappiness. I think I am a very trusting person about this type of experience, so while I didn’t really understand all the time what was going on, I felt comfortable enough to continue despite the work we did bringing up some uncomfortable experiences.

After working with Paul I am now looking forward to pursuing my dreams and being supported by my thoughts. To having real connection with my family and others as well….

The thing I have noticed and appreciate the most is my ability now to listen to another person and have the space to reflect before I answer. I do not immediately react with emotion, I feel more neutral…and it is seems like such a simple thing, but for me this is HUGE!

I also notice I am more moved by events and stories I hear lately. I have always been a very sensitive person, but it was like I was wearing a hard shell for a long time. It is good to feel this connection on an emotional level.”


– Melinda

“I feel like a 10/10.”

“Hi Paul,

I feel like a 10/10. I’m no longer feeling the anxiety and stress, especially at home and that was the biggest shift I noticed, I’m able to feel good around my parents. I’m also able to sleep which is a great relief.

Thank you for your help Paul, you’ve been great.”


– A

“Now, I am excited to be moving forward maintaining a positive and healthy attitude about myself…”

“I had a lot of negative thoughts and beliefs that were mostly stemming from my past! I just felt that my feeling of not being good enough affected every aspect of my life, especially relationships, and I continually had the same outcomes no matter what I did. I tried journaling and meditation which helped but I still couldn’t change my subconscious thinking.

Paul was friendly, approachable and easy to open up to. He asked a lot of questions to get to the root of the problem and used various techniques to improve my limiting beliefs and help me to let go of the past and be more confident and present.

Now, I am excited to be moving forward maintaining a positive and healthy attitude about myself and experiences and feeling loved and capable.

If you are considering working with Paul, I would say to give it a try! If you don’t try something different and don’t make an effort to change and improve yourself you will remain in the same place forever and continue to struggle. Hypnosis is safe and easy and results are noticeable immediately.”


– A

“…I’m now able to give myself opportunities for change and growth.”

“I’m getting better, more positive and able to socialize even more than before. You definitely unlocked something so I’m now able to give myself opportunities for change and growth.”


– Alexis

“Now I feel like I am finally able to be me…”

“Before working with Paul, my life was full of anxiety and stress. I couldn’t be myself or make decisions. I was always making other people happy over me and I was stressed to be myself and make decisions. Life was so stressful. I tried regular therapy and talking to family to try and resolve this issue and eventually I decided to work with Paul. Overall the experience was very interesting. I did not know much about what would happen beforehand, but it was a great experience. I enjoyed learning more about myself and changing my mindset. Now I feel like I am finally able to be me, not stressing about what people think of me. For anyone on the fence, keep an open mind and just let yourself heal. The most important aspect of working with Paul is that I am now letting go of the stresses I can not control.”


– Past Client

“I am looking forward to being social and feeling good the whole time!”

“I was very interested in Paul’s type of work after learning about him and seeing his reviews online. Since working with him the anxiety that I felt in my face has magically disappeared and I feel overall much better. 

I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember and it was debilitating at times. 50% of the time I could keep it under control but otherwise it would surface. In the latest round of it I would feel it extremely in my face and arms and chest, but the face was the worst. 

In the past I’ve done conventional therapy, and a lot of self help things online. I was very excited and open to hypnosis. I would describe working with Paul as a safe comfortable experience where I could say how I felt to someone who understood anxiety and who understood how to deal with it and he did not make me feel strange or different for it. Which honestly is not how I felt ever, even with my therapist. 

I am slowly noticing that I feel better…I notice a shift in my emotional energy and anxiety. I am looking forward to being social and feeling good the whole time! 

For anyone considering working with Paul, take the leap. Try and go out of your comfort zone and take a chance with hypnosis. I wish I would have done it long ago…When I read that past clients said they felt safe with Paul and he made them feel comfortable, that is when I decided to work with him.”


– A

“The results have been very successful.”

“I worked with Paul on dealing with panic symptoms on trains. I am now panic free and do not feel anxiety on trains. 

In the past I tried other approaches such as counselling and acupuncture. 

Paul was very helpful and determined to get to the root of my issue. The results have been very successful.”


– M

“…a dramatic improvement in my performance and progress made on deep-rooted issues…”

“In the past, learning to drive brought up fairly severe anxiety. Together with a dissociative stress response, it made learning nearly impossible, sending me down a spiral of helplessness and shame. This persisted for several months. 

I explored the issue in therapy and tried standard mindfulness/stress reduction techniques. I think it had little success because the response was deeply ingrained on a instinctual/survival level, and the experience was further triggering feelings of shame and inadequacy internalized in early childhood limiting my ability to function. I thought hypnosis could be a viable therapy for resolving specific issues. 

My intake/diagnostic process with Paul was well organized. The suggestion was very effective, with a dramatic improvement in my performance and progress made on deep-rooted issues…

My anxiety has decreased overall, and I am able to better access and process emotions. I feel like I gained more traction on my overall emotional recovery and can move forward with my goals. 

Now that I am able learn to drive without overwhelming fear, I’m looking forward to pursuing new opportunities. Removing this obstacle to my personal and professional development has helped me to gain back control over my emotional state.”


– T

“…I didn’t think for a minute that I’d feel the way I do now in the short amount of time that’s passed.”

“The changes i’ve noticed so far have been a huge decrease in the physical feeling of anxiety overall (this has helped with digestive problems too which has been a big plus), increased energy and i’ve noticed my thoughts have been leaning towards more positive which i’ve been really happy about.

…The anxiety does pop up at times but doesn’t stay for too long.

…I didn’t think for a minute that I’d feel the way I do now in the short amount of time that’s passed. Being able to have even a few automatic positive thoughts was something I could’ve only dreamt of back then. I’m still blown away that [Paul] has made that a reality for me.

I am truly, honestly so grateful for our sessions and what you were able to bring out of my subconscious and resolve. I can’t recommend this therapy to people enough.

Thank you again Paul, seriously.”


– Chris

“I’m now moving forward in life with a new baseline and more courage to make different choices.”

“When I contacted Paul, I was going through a major work transition. We worked on several issues: depression, social anxiety, migraines. All of them have affected me for many years, and have caused me to hold back in areas of life by sticking with a safe route in my work, not having a public voice, and avoiding many social situations because they are so stressful. 

In the past I tried to work through the depression and social anxiety by fixing my biochemistry, diet, exercise and lifestyle, which all help tremendously, but there was something missing because I kept coming back to the same place. 

I didn’t know much about hypnosis, other than believing it was very helpful for smoking cessation. I found the experience extremely insightful, and learned so much about my internal motivators and how they have caused my life choices. I felt safe during the sessions, able to let go and feel what was there, and understood the process that I was going through. 

I’m now moving forward in life with a new baseline and more courage to make different choices. 

If you keep coming back to exactly the same place over and over – with your health, your mood, or your negative thought patterns, this is an extremely powerful way to first understand why you are stuck, and then to provide a very gentle and effective way to move forward. I feel that the confidence I have gained, and the much more positive self-talk are significantly valuable.”


– S

“I find myself speaking up and taking action in situations I would have shied away from, without even thinking about it. “

“My session with Paul has helped me feel more confident in my day to day life. I find myself speaking up and taking action in situations I would have shied away from, without even thinking about it. 

I would highly recommend making this investment in yourself.”


– Lindsay

“I feel much more at ease, in control, at peace with the curveballs life has thrown at me…”

“Hi Paul,

I’ve just returned from a much needed and very relaxing vacation. I’ve had a lot of time to reflect following the hypnotherapy work and have to say it was life changing. Most notably, how I process anxiety has been greatly improved. 

I notice I’m able to quickly deal with any triggers much more easily and quickly, not allowing myself to go into spirals of worry or concern or stress. It’s quite amazing actually. And therefore I’m not storing that anxiety and stress in my body. It’s being processed in real time and then I just let it go and move on. I feel much more at ease, in control, at peace with the curveballs life has thrown at me, and much more confident in knowing that everything will work out as it should in the end. I feel freer.

On a scale of 0-10 I’d say I’m a 1 – the anxiety comes up but doesn’t linger and I’m more able to deal with it in a positive manner.”


– Fiona

“I have noticed that I feel more relaxed about work performance and life in general.”

“I have noticed that I feel more relaxed about work performance and life in general. I also told my manager at my second job that I need to cut back on my availability even though I knew she would not be happy about it. 

Normally, I would feel immense guilt for not just doing whatever was asked of me in order to keep the peace, but instead I am looking forward to some much needed “me time”. 

I am also feeling more joyful and playful and enjoying my many blessings. I am feeling optimistic about my future and feel less urgency to work and keep busy and please others .”


– Anna

“It was a BEAUTIFUL experience.”


What a special, powerful gift you have!

I was very open to exploring this…tool/technique/approach. Still don’t fully get it. Kinda like not fully understanding electricity and how airplanes fly, but trust it.

I can’t get the image of the sun bursting into the room or that of looking into baby ‘M’ and promising to love and support her in the way she needs and deserves.

I’m shocked at how easily I relaxed.

It was a BEAUTIFUL experience.

Still processing it, but as I was writing in my gratitude journal this morning, felt I had to let you know I’m grateful.

Thank you Paul.

I knew in my gut that if I could get to the core underlying issue, shine a light on it, give it a hug, release it, I could transform and move forward.”


– M

“I feel so much better…”

“Just wanted to thank you very much for our session I feel so much better and all the anxiety I was feeling has just went poof! As well as the feelings of guilt I have been trying to deal with for years and years with various different “therapies” is resolved! 

Thank you for the work that you do. :)”


– Karen

“It’s been a real break through for me.”


It’s going great and my anxiety levels feel like they are getting back to normal. I’m really not over thinking a lot of things and feel like I’m opening up and being more in the moment. It’s been a real break through for me. I haven’t felt this way in quite awhile. I started my new job and this has really helped me come out of my shell.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!”


– Eric

“I feel strong, like I stand on firmer ground.”

“It has been a very positive experience so far. I feel strong, like I stand on firmer ground. Not feeling like I’m second guessing myself. If a thought comes into my mind of an old feeling, I’m able to let it go with little interest. It’s more like a little blip versus, in the past, it would have generated a response where I would have had a long conversation in my head. 

I feel more confident with what I want and calmer to wait. Putting thought into what’s next without feeling pushed into it or any anxiety that it has to happen soon.

I notice there’s a distance to allow myself to see the role I’ve played, but it’s not how I see myself now. If I at first respond like I’ve done in the past, quiet, reserved, making myself small, I am able to see myself do this now and overcome it. It’s like I’m watching myself, not that this is me. 

That’s the distance [working with you] has given me.”


– K

“My wife did not freak out once on our trip to Toronto.”

“By the way, thank you. My wife did not freak out once on our trip to Toronto.”


– Allen

“This is easily the best money that I’ve ever spent…” 

“I’m feeling good!…I actually had an actively good dream instead of a nightmare (don’t think that’s happened in 2.5 years now) and I’m definitely more relaxed about things… This is easily the best money that I’ve ever spent on therapy of any sort.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this plays out over the next few weeks and months.

Thank you so much for your help.

My family and co-workers appreciate it too.”


– Nicky

“My thinking is more clear and everything seems very easy…”

“Hi Paul, I’m actually feeling very good. The stress level from 10 went to 1 or 0! My thinking is more clear and everything seems very easy… thank you.”


– H

“I definitely feel a difference…”

“I definitely feel a difference, the biggest being that the tapes aren’t playing in my head all the time the way that they were before. 

I find when something negative comes in I quickly replace it with the positive affirmations…I am awesome, I am worthy, I am important. I also find I am not so quick to react, much calmer about events that subconciously would have spun me into I don’t matter mode. 

I had something happen yesterday where I found myself automatically saying it over and over again like a mantra, I am worthy. I also find myself much more attuned to other people’s energy, especially negative energy and find myself breathing through it, protecting myself from taking it on.

Overall I feel good, calmer, not as self critical and enjoying time with myself differently than in the past. Time alone allowed the tapes to run. Time alone now it seems I have a clearer perspective.”


– T

“I feel better, stronger, as if I’m standing on my two feet…”

“I feel better, stronger, as if I’m standing on my two feet even in difficult situations where I would normally feel broken. Much much better. If not happier at least more focused on myself and what I want. Less worried about others’ opinions.”


– N

“My public speaking is SO much better!!”

“Hi Paul! I just wanted to thank you again for all of your help – my public speaking is SO much better!! ”


– Jaclyn

“I am feeling more than great.”

“I am feeling more than great. Actually I have dreamed in English for the 1st time the night after our session.

I feel less heavy speaking English, I don’t know how to explain but it feels easier for me to communicate, even with my boss.

Thank you so much for your help and time.”


– A

“I feel confident and in control and that feels amazing.”

“I feel great. From the moment I left your office I noticed a change right away.

I have not had any panic attacks and that constant fearful thinking has gone away. I mean, I still have worries like everyone else but no major anxiety.

I feel confident and in control and that feels amazing.

I’m so grateful to just be able to do normal everyday activities again.”


– Sonia

“I’m able to calmly cope with situations.”

“Since coming to see you, I’m feeling less anxious and I’m able to calmly cope with situations. I’m feeling much better. I’m glad I went through this experience / journey.”


– Jen

“I feel a lot more confident.”

“So far the hypnosis is going well. I feel a lot more confident. I’m doing well”


– K

“…I find myself in a significantly more balanced place…”

“The process since seeing you has been a wonderful one. There is an incredible release of anxiety around money – I find myself in a significantly more balanced place when it comes to the emotions I feel about spending, saving, debt, etc.

I find that I make more conscious choices and think less when I do spend. I have also noticed that when the old feelings come up, I can quickly embrace and then release them.

I feel that having been able to visit and then release the moments that brought me challenge previously has allowed me to truly understand them – and this process has made it easy to either not think about them or simply release them if they do arise.

Thank you for everything!”


– L

“Generally I’ve been handling high stress situations a lot better…”

“Generally I’ve been handling high stress situations a lot better– it either just doesn’t bother me, or I remain calm enough to leave the situation and decompress on my own. 

I had a slight eruption of anger a couple days ago but tried the hand technique you showed me which helped in the moment. 

I’ve been making decisions quicker, and realizing that most of them don’t require the anxiety that usually accompanies them…

Fear of judgement almost never comes about anymore which feels amazing as I’m starting to realize that it doesn’t determine anything about who I am…

Thank you once again for the session.”


– D

“I think the changes have been shocking…”

“I feel really good. I think the changes have been shocking and getting used to them and replacing the old thoughts with good ones has been very interesting! I’m interested to see where I’ll be in the next few weeks/months!

I do notice a massive difference…

And would 100% recommend you to everyone!”


– Kaitlin

“…I feel a lot better. Less worry-ing for sure!”

“Hi Paul – I feel a lot better. Less worry-ing for sure!

I also feel less like I need to be in control of what is happening and more self reliant. All positives!!

Thanks so much!”


– Client

“I truly am feeling a difference.”

“I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks already…

I truly am feeling a difference. I’ve been putting so much work into my business, putting myself out there and feeling confident about my choices. I’ve been making videos, reaching out to people and will even film a webinar…all things I was very nervous about doing before.

So, thank you so much for making this possible for me.”


–  Joanna

“I just wanted to say thank you.”

“I know it’s been a while, but I just wanted to say thank you. Simply put, your work and recording helped pave the way for finding greater joy in my life.”


– Client

“What was unique for me about working with Paul was the speed in which I felt relief…”

“I was looking for a different approach to deal with my anxiety and am happy with the experience and the results so far. I definitely feel a shift and have been experiencing less anxiety and less intensity of fearful thoughts… 

What was unique for me about working with Paul was the speed in which I felt relief from symptoms of anxiety. I’ve worked with therapists in the past, and while helpful, talk therapy is a much slower healing process. I was looking for something that could provide a quicker shift, which this has done. And I feel like this will be a longer term change…”


– Kerri

“…I feel much better equipped to handle stress.”

“I feel great. Sleeping has improved remarkably and I feel much better equipped to handle stress.  Additionally I find that I am much more able to leave stress at work rather than letting it affect me at home. I feel hopeful that the effects are lasting and provide me with tools to addressing issues going forward. 

Thanks Paul!”


– James

“I had my presentation this morning and it went really well!”

“I had my presentation this morning and it went really well! I didn’t feel the anxiety I would normally have leading up to it. It just felt like I have done them before. Any nerves I had were the normal nerves before presenting. 

I have another presentation on Wednesday and I am pretty excited about it because I am presenting something of my own work. I am actually looking forward to it. 

Thanks for working your magic! 

I believe that hypnosis made all the difference.”


– Monica

“…my head is up and I’m looking forward.”

“I often felt I was walking a tightrope and looking down, shaking and eventually falling.

Now I walk a tightrope and my head is up and I’m looking forward.”


– Michelle

“I had an immediate change in how I felt about the issue…”

“I was referred to Paul by a colleague who experienced very positive changes after a couple of sessions. I wanted to try a different method of dealing with workplace stress-anxiety issues and after three sessions have experienced positive changes as well. 

I had an immediate change in how I felt about the issue, which was on a deeper level than before. It reached an emotional level which traditional therapy had not been completely successful in reaching. It was also an immediate feeling change. 

I am very satisfied with the results.”


– David

“Many thanks for your outstanding support…”

“I felt comfortable and at ease with Paul from the very start of our sessions together and have been so pleased to finally put behind me some of the issues I have been struggling with since early childhood. It was only following my therapy with Paul that I realised just what a heavy weight I had been carrying for all these years.

Many thanks for your outstanding support in helping me to overcome the anxiety and fear that have been part of my everyday life until now. 

I would be happy to recommend you to anyone considering using your services.”


– Alison

“…things are getting much more into the flow with much less resistance.”

“Right after my session with Paul, I felt really great. Then I needed some time to process all of it. 

A few days later I noticed that my behaviour changed. I started sharing with people, allowing myself to be vulnerable, and not necessarily only positive stuff. That wouldn’t have happened before the session. Also things are getting much more into the flow with much less resistance. 

I feel working with him has made a real permanent difference. He works much faster than others. His service has absolutely met my expectations and I look forward to working with him again.”


– Danielle

“Each day has been a curious transformation…”

“Each day has been a curious transformation since [my] Skype session with Paul. 

Some benefits noticed so far are increased energy and a fine-tuned focus for myself, work, and interaction with others; an absolute indifference to the obligatory espresso(s) each day; a better understanding of what drives me and why; and a general heightened clarity and confidence. 

Thank you.”


– Ianthe

👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Today!

1. To book your Free Discovery Call, please click the button below and fill out my quick 3 minute survey.

2. On your Free 45 Minute Discovery Call we will be delving deeper into your current situation to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my program.

3. If you qualify for my program, I am going to outline how I can help you in the same way that I have helped hundreds of clients to move past their inner blocks and find peace of mind.


👍 Some Additional Feedback From Past Clients I’ve Worked With for Other Issues

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.”
“…this is going to have an effect in every area of your life.”

*All testimonials above represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“I felt Strong and Capable…”
“…there are definitely effects, unconscious movements.”

*All testimonials below represent an ideal outcome. Results may vary from person to person.

“I have been losing weight and feeling healthier.”

“I haven’t had much anxiety. Feeling much better. I have been losing weight and feeling healthier. Diet and no alcohol, doing this for 30 days…”


– W

“I no longer feel powerless around food!”

“The last two days have been incredible! I no longer feel powerless around food! I used to walk around with this constant feeling of “hunger, ” and now it’s gone. I am making better choices, listening to my body’s cues for satiety and overall, I feel good about myself. Physically, I feel lighter; my stomach feels flatter, and my whole body feels smaller. It is such an unusual sensation. I am completely aware of what my body size is, but my internal feeling is different.

I’ve gone from feeling powerless around food to feeling empowered! Being a Health and Life Coach who cannot control her food impulses had caused my self-confidence to suffer, which perpetuated the cycle. Now I feel at peace with everything and my relationship with food has become effortless.

I’m looking forward to witnessing my progress over the next few weeks. For the first time, in a long time, I am optimistic about my outcome. I cannot thank you enough! “


– Vesna

“I resolved my issues within one session.”

“I worked with Paul on two issues: sexuality and lack of believe that I can be loved for who I am: believing I had to prove or give to others in order to be loved.

Working with Paul has been a pleasure. He is very professional. He is very clear and explains the process in detail. I felt very comfortable during my session. I feel like the issues I came with are almost gone and I’m very grateful for this therapy.

I resolved my issues within one session.

I only saw him once and followed the steps and my issue was resolved. It is pretty amazing that something that was so stuck can be fixed within one session.

I have been seeing different therapist without much success or change or relief.

Working with Paul was a great experience and exactly what I expected.”


– A

“I can honestly say that I feel like a non-smoker without the urges of a smoker.”

“I have smoked for 40 years and like many I have quit a few times. I can say that this time feels quite different. I told Paul that in the first week I still had urges. He told me the second session would help eliminate them. I can honestly say that I feel like a non-smoker without the urges of a smoker. I was at 3 packs a day. I would recommend Paul to anyone wanting to change. Like he said you have to change the thoughts. Thanks Very Much Paul. Much Appreciated.”


– Mark Eplett

“I haven’t had a cigarette in over 9 months and have no desire to.”

“How are you? I just wanted to say thanks. So far so good. I haven’t had a cigarette in over 9 months and have no desire to. Which is pretty awesome considering the many attempts I’ve made throughout my life.”


– John

“I had 2 sessions with Paul and instantly they helped.”

“I had 2 sessions with Paul and instantly they helped. I was able to abstain from alcohol much easier than in the past. 

While there were a couple relapses through the process, I am staying sober today which is what matters most. Paul has definitely improved my quality of life. I was able to avoid the heavy cravings that I had during conventional treatments (in-patient and outpatient rehab, day programs, seeing a psychologist). 

It was like they were never there in the first place.”


– Chris

“I have been smoke free since my last session with you…”

“Mr. Norrish

I would like to let you know that I have been smoke free since my last session with you, which was February 2019. I still can’t believe it – I never thought I’d be a non-smoker, but now I am. 

Once again, many thanks….”


– D

“It was a truly interesting experience…”

“Thanks Paul, so far everything is fantastic. Although, now I want to find more flaws to fix with hypnosis. It was a truly interesting experience…”


– Allison

“…I’ve been pleasantly surprised.”

“Before seeing Paul to help me quit smoking my expectations were low, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I’m feeling great. The techniques he showed me helped me quit for over two months so far...



– ED

“…I am very excited about the weeks ahead.”


Thank you sooo sooo much for yesterday, I feel amazing, after I left your office I went to the hospital to visit my friend and we were talking about what have happen with my ex, and I was feeling nothing, I did not cry, I did not feel bad at all and usually, I was always choking or crying when I was talking of it.

…I am very excited about the weeks ahead.

Thank you a billion gazillion times <3”


– CK

“Since seeing Paul I rarely have urges and when I do they are easy to overcome.”

“Paul helped to go deep into my past and get to the root of my habit. He helped change the way I viewed these memories. Along with this he also provided exercises that I could easily do if/when I had these urges. 

The hypnosis was successful. Since seeing Paul I rarely have urges and when I do they are easy to overcome. Paul was persistent and very positive. He also followed up after his session and really made sure that I was doing well. 

His service exceeded my expectations.”


– Nicole

“After only 1.5 hours with Paul, I no longer play with my hair.”


“Two weeks have passed since my first session with Paul; I still cannot believe how effective his treatment was.

I used to uncontrollably pull/play with my hair every two minutes throughout the day. I wanted to stop this bad habit, but I simply couldn’t. I even tried bribing myself to purchase a pair of shoes I always wanted if I didn’t play with my hair for one full day; I couldn’t last 1 hour (and let me tell you – I really wanted these shoes). It was simply a subconscious behaviour I had no control over.

After only 1.5 hours with Paul, I no longer play with my hair. It’s mind boggling how effective hypnotherapy can be. This was my first hypnotherapy treatment, and I can vouch for just how worth every dollar is to see Paul.”


– S

“I’m feeling positive overall.”

“I feel good, with a plan, and I have lost 5 pounds. I’m feeling positive overall.”


– R

“I remain truly amazed at the results I am getting.”

“You asked me about what changes I am noticing…

The one most profound thing that I notice is that I have not bitten or picked at the skin around my finger nails since I left your office. It has now been 9 days since I have found my fingers in my mouth or my fingers picking at the skin. My fingers are slowly but surely healing. Further I do not feel like this is a conscious thing. I simply am unconsciously NOT doing it. I am truly amazed.

From time to time, I do think about doing it, but then it just goes away.”


3 Weeks Later

“As an update,… I am now just past 3 weeks after our session and I still have NOT resumed picking at my fingers. Similarly I do feel like I have much more control over my leg crossing and find myself comfortable seated with my feet on the ground and my knees gently apart in many situations at the office, on the subway and at the dinner table or restaurants.

I remain truly amazed at the results I am getting.”


– Drew

“My health is better and my mind is a lot quieter.”

“Dearest Paul,

I finished 3 weeks and feel good. My health is better and my mind is a lot quieter. It was well worth the session… 

Thank you for everything!”


– Deborah

“Since we saw each other, I have had no desire for chips…”

“Since we saw each other, I have had no desire for chips…..I did go to the cupboard a couple of days ago and out of boredom, put some in a bowl. I ate a few and realized I wasn’t enjoying them so I put the rest back in the bag!”


– Linda

“This approach goes straight to the root of the issue and let’s you be the driver.”

“Paul has a great welcoming personality that makes it easy to apply hypnotherapy to someone who isn’t familiar with the process. Through our sessions he has given me the fundamentals to create better choices and live by them. 

All in all, I feel positive in the progression that I’ve made physically and mentally with his help. It has been very successful as the “homework” helps you recreate the therapy at your convenience and will give you constant reassurance about your progression. 

This approach goes straight to the root of the issue and let’s you be the driver. This method works best for me as it’s a lot more mental which gives me a more positive feedback. It has met all my expectations and more. Paul is a gem. 

Keep up the good work!”


 – Junmar

“…I believe I will be successful and now consider myself a non-smoker.”

“I went to Paul for help with quitting smoking. I have attempted to quit before but was never completely successful. Even though I wasn’t smoking I always thought of myself as a smoker who didn’t smoke and I would always relapse. 

After my meetings with Paul I believe I will be successful and now consider myself a non-smoker. So far it has been very successful. The cravings were few and far between and very easy to manage. 

Paul addressed the deeper issues and reasons why I was resorting to smoking past and present which has been very important to my success so far. 

Working with Paul has exceeded my expectations.”


– Christine

“Haven’t bitten my nails in almost a week since my appointment!”

“Paul and his space were both very welcoming, comfortable and calming. Haven’t bitten my nails in almost a week since my appointment! Highly recommended.”


– Brittney

👉 Book Your Free Discovery Call Today!

1. To book your Free Discovery Call, please click the button below and fill out my quick 3 minute survey.

2. On your Free 45 Minute Discovery Call we will be delving deeper into your current situation to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for my program.

3. If you qualify for my program, I am going to outline how I can help you in the same way that I have helped hundreds of clients to move past their inner blocks and find peace of mind.


All information provided on this website is not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any other health care practitioner. All content presented on this website is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims made on this website, including any testimonials represent an ideal outcome. Results are not guaranteed.